Fourth International Workshop
for the Design of the
ANDES Underground Laboratory

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
México, D.F.
30 - 31 January 2014

The Fourth International Workshop for the Design of the ANDES Underground Laboratory followed the workshops held in April 2011 (Argentina), June 2011 (Brazil) and January 2012 (Chile) and took place in Mexico in January 2014. The workshop endend with the creation of the ANDES Unit within the Latin American Center for Physics (CLAF). The complete list of participants can be consulted here.

Aguilar-arevalo, Alexis Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM
Bertou, Xavier CNEA/CONICET
Cancelo, Gustavo Fermilab
Castañeda, Alejandro FI UNAM
D'olivo, Juan Carlos Insituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM
De Mello Neto, João Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Dos Anjos, João Observatório Nacional - Brasil
Hennings Yeomans, Raul University of California at Berkeley
Hernandez Torres, Karen Pamela FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA
Mariano, Alejandro Departamento de Física, Facultad de Cs. Exactas, UNLP
Martinez, Jesus CIC-IPN
Mendez Mendez, Diana Patricia Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
Miller, Jonathan Universidad Tecnico Federico Santa Maria
Miranda, Omar Gustavo Depto de Fisica, Cinvestav
Moreno, Guadalupe UNAM
Moreno, Eduardo FCFM BUAP
Noble, Tony Queen's University
Nunokawa, Hiroshi Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Ochoa, J. Pedro Universidad Catolica de Chile
Penha, Felipe UNICAMP
Perez-lorenzana, Abdel CINVESTAV - IPN, MEXICO
Quiroz Merino, Germán IPN - CIC
Salazar, Humberto FCFM- BUAP, México
Salazar Lagunes, Carolina UNAM FI
Sarkis Mobarak, Youssef ICN UNAM
Sánchez Fraga, Rodolfo CIC-IPN
Torres, Ibrahim INAOE
Trallero-giner, Carlos Centro Latinoamericano de Física, Rio de Janeiro
Trillaud, Frederic UNAM
Vazquez-jauregui, Eric SNOLAB
Villasenor, Luis UMSNH
Zepeda, Arnulfo Cinvestav/Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas, MCTP

The scientific schedule was the following:

The organizing committee was: