The ANDES laboratory
The cosmic radiation and underground laboratories

The Earth is permanently bombarded by cosmic rays coming from many
astrophysical objects (the Sun, supernovae, supermassive black holes
in the center of far away galaxies). At ground level, about fifteen
milion particles impact every square meter every day. In order to study
the most evasive phenomena of the Universe, the scientific community is
building underground laboratories to protect their experiments from this
1700m underground, only a few particles per day have enough energy to
reach through the mountain an underground experiment, allowing scientists
to study weak interacting particles that could cross milions of
kilometers of rock without interacting (such as the neutrino), or study
dark matter, which seems to be omnipresent in the Universe. 10
underground laboratories are in operation worldwide, in the USA, Canada,
Europe and Japan.

The underground science is rapidly expanding and new installations are
required, and while India and China are advancing on their first
laboratories, USA and Europe and both planning for a next generation
large laboratory.
The construction of the Agua Negra tunnel is a unique opportunity to plan
the construction of the ANDES underground laboratory. It would be the
only such laboratory in the southern hemisphere.