Support for ANDES
There is strong support for ANDES both in Latin America and worldwide. The letters obtained to date are listed hereafter and can be downloaded in 2 files: International and institutional support (5MB PDF, low resolution) and Latin American commitment (2MB PDF, low resolution).
International and institutional support
- Memorandum of Understanding signed during the first ANDES workshop (includes the signaturs of the director of Modane, the emeritus director of Homestake, the spokespersons of SuperNEMO and Edelweiss II).
- EBITAN (Entidad Binacional Túnel Agua Negra), supported the ANDES laboratory in its Xth meeting and agreed on including it in the Agua Negra tunnel project in its XXXVth meeting
- Support and interest by latin american institutions:
- CONICET, Argentina
- Comisión Asesora Grandes Instrumentos, MinCyT, Argentina
- Universidad de La Plata, Argentina
- Universidad de San Juan, Argentina
- ANDES Unit in CLAF
- Universidad La Serena, Chile
- Gobierno de la provincia de San Juan, Argentina
- CONICYT, Chile
- Gobierno de la provincia de Elqui, Chile
- Gobierno de la región de Coquimbo, Chile
- CCHEN, Chile
- MinRel, Chile
- Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Facultad de ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- PUC, Chile
- UTFSM, Chile
- Support and interest by representatives of latin american scientists and institutions:
- Claudio Dib, representing groups from 4 Chilean universities
- Juan Carlos D’Olivo, High Energy Physics Network, Mexico
- Ronald Shellard, CBPF and SBF vice director, Brazil
- Eduardo Charreau, ANCEFN president, Argentina
- Francisco Tamarit, AFA president, Argentina
- Luis Huerta, SOCHIFI president, Chile
- Support from scientists and international experiments:
- Stephen Adler, Princeton
- M. Miller, A. Garcia, University of Washington
- Bob Svoboda, LNBE Spokesperson
- Nigel Smith, SNOLAB Director
- Kunio Inoue, KamLAND Spokesperson
- Hiro Ejiri, Former RCNP Director
- Yoichiro Suzuki, Kamioka Director, Super Kamiokande Spokesperson
- Takaaki Kajita, ICRR Director
- P. Brink et al., DM modulation
- D.A. Harris, K. McFarland, MINERvA Spokespersons
- A.B. McDonald, Nobel Physics Laureate
- Interest and support, with specific interest for collaboration and instrument installation in ANDES:
- Jennifer Thomas, SuperNEMO CB Chair
- Daniel Santos, MIMAC Spokesperson
- Kai Zuber, COBRA Spokesperson
- J. Conrad, M. Shaevitz, DAEDALUS Spokespersons
- A. Galindo-Uribarri et al., ORNL
PDF in high resolution.
Latin american commitment
Interest in collaborating to the construction and operantion of the ANDES laboratory by latin american groups:
- Argentina:
- Neutrones y Reactores, CAB
- Partículas y Campos, CAB
- Bajas Temperaturas, CAB
- Instituto Geofísico Sismológico Volponi, San Juan
- Física Experimental Altas Energías, UBA
- Instituto de Matemática Aplicada, San Luis
- Empresa SOLYDES
- Brazil:
- Rede Nacional de Física de Altas Energias
- Neutrino Physics group, UFABC
- HEP, PUC Rio
- Instituto de Física, USP
- Chile:
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- Dpto Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Concepción
- ICFM, Universidad Austral
- Centro Sismológico Nacional, Universidad de Chile
- Mexico:
- Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM
- Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM
- Grupo Astropartículas, UMSNH
PDF in high resolution.